Schindler's List is definitely a classic. To be a classic, the main requirements are that a novel has to be timeless, and timely. This novel is about the Holocaust, which is still a large topic, it even has a museum for it. The Holocaust happened in the Mid 20th century. Adolf Hitler is also a widely talked about topic, because this was pretty much the biggest murder of people in such a short amount of time ever. Classics also present what is true. Schindler's List shows the accounts of Oskar Schindler, a German who helped save the lives of over 1100 Jews in WWII. This is completely true. Classics also appear long after they first appeared. It's still fairly easy to get a copy, and the movie is still talked about, so it fits that criteria, too. Schindler's list is a clear classic that has been loved for decades by everybody.

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