Let me start off by saying how ridiculous this title is. But moving past that, Thomas Keneally is a very formal styled writer. An author's style is obviously how they write. In Schindler's List, Keneally is very formal, uses long sentences, and a very large amount of adjectives. I believe that this makes sense, because he is trying to provide as much information about the Holocaust as he possibly can. It's also justified because this is a historical novel, and you need information to convey what you are trying to say.

I do enjoy this formal kind of style, because it's something different. You don't see it everyday, and it's fun to switch things up. I think that just adds even more reason as to why this novel is a classic, because you just don't see this anymore. The author did a very nice job of fitting it, and I don't think he really needs to do anything, because it's as good as it will get.

This formal style includes very descriptive words, along with authentic dialogue. They speak how they would have when this setting was taking place, which was the 1930's going into the late 1940's. I also believe that the point of view in this story, which is third, makes it more lively, because you can describe more things. If it is from one person's point of view, and you can't explain something that you would be able to in third person, then you're losing some possible valuable information.

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