Setting the Mood


The setting in Schindler's List has a very large impact on probably every person's mood that has ever read this book. As stated many times, this book takes place in Germany during the Holocaust. This is a very scary time for the Jews, and their lives were awful. Obviously they didn't deserve it, and that makes it even worse. We don't really have this happening now, but it has lived on to this century, and probably will for a very long time. To think that anybody would have a want to kill is crazy, even if Hitler, a very powerful and strong man tells them too. I believe that no mood but sad could be used to describe the mood of this book. I sympathize with any Jew that died, and anybody who was affected by the Holocaust, which was and probably still is a VERY large amount of people.

Although, if you think about it, there were some- dare I say, 'good' things that came from the Holocaust. Things like antisemitism became larger in Britain and the U.S, and rightfully so. Everybody has the right to live in a place, Jews included. Also some of the data from medical institutes probably went to good use as well. Hitler was also killing his own people, which definitely made winning the war more difficult, and focusing on making it harder to win the war, Hitler was also very focused on getting Jews on trains, and had less focus on winning the war. That's probably a fairly decently large factor on why he lost.

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