This book is a lot different from what I thought. So far, after about 15-20 minutes, I've only managed to read about 15 pages. This has taken me a little bit past the beginning of chapter two. The first chapter mainly talks about how Oskar Schindler, who is the son of a businessman and Catholic mother in Czechoslovakia marries when he is young, and ends up joining the Nazi Party. I have a feeling that I'm going to enjoy this book, because although it is controversial, I love reading stories dealing with wars, especially World War II. It starts out slow, but that's how most books seem to go, because they have to introduce everything and everybody to you. I'm definitely going to assume that it will speed up and get more action packed because it's about a war, and because it's a classic that was turned into a movie which was directed by Steven Spielberg. I think that says something special about this novel.
26/4/2012 04:13:57 am

I had the same experience when I first started my book. It took me a while before I was able to read it fast. After reading a couple chapters I was excited to read, I just couldn't stop turning the pages and reading. Your book sounds very interested and I might want to read it sometime. I agree with you on the point about Steven Spielberg. I don't think my book would have been a movie if Steven Spielberg hadn't directed it.

Jenna Becker
26/4/2012 10:07:31 pm

I can relate to both you and Darren. As I was reading my book, it started out very slow. As I kept reading, though, it got much better, and I honestly couldn't stop reading. Also, the font was very small in my novel, so it took me a long time just to read a few pages.

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