Character Sketch


Oskar Schindler is a German industrialist who made enamelware. He had the idea to help Jews seek refuge in return for work in his factory. He was a man who saved as many as he possibly could, and was different from every other German thinker of the time. I would definitely be friends with Oskar because he thinks for the future. He knew that the war could end at any time, and that the popular though that Jews don't deserve life would die off with it. He was a nice man, and he didn't like the killings, he actually though that they were horrible.

I don't disagree with him about anything except the forced labor part. Though essential, I don't think it's right. Oskar didn't pay his workers, he payed the SS certain amounts of money for different kinds of workers. Polish people were worth more than Jewish woman, for example, which is why he used Jewish people; they were cheaper. I do agree with the fact that he allowed them safety for the work that they did, which is basically a payment of life. Obviously the time period is the 1940's, and Oskar does not fit in with society, because Germans were not "fond" of Jews at the time, and Oskar was harboring them in his factory.

One big decision Oskar had to make was whether he was going to convert Emalia; his factory, into a Plazow sub-camp or not. Plazow was being converted into a concentration camp, and after the Krakow ghetto was liquidated, the Jews were all being taken from Krakow to Plazow to die, and some of Oskar's workers were those Jews. He wanted to get permanent residence of them in his proposed sub-camp of Plazow, where they would be safe. He got Amon Goeth, who was a powerful person during WWII, on his side to build it, and it ultimately happened. I am glad he did this and support it fully, because it saved hundreds of lives. This was probably where a majority of his 1100 saved lives came from.
26/4/2012 03:53:47 am

I agree with you Dylan on this. I think from what you've said of Shindler, that he was a good man. Even if he didn't pay them and forced them to work, he did what he could to help the Jewish people. He decided to continue to help the Jews when Germany made Plazow so they would continue to live.

Sawyer Rachor
26/4/2012 10:23:46 pm

I also agree with you, Dylan. I think that anyone who can stand up to the Nazis and help out Jews during the halocaust is a good man. My character, James Bond, is a little similar to Oskar Shindler because he also is willing to always help out people in danger.

26/4/2012 10:26:00 pm

I also agree with Tanner if Shindler did not force the Jewish people into labor then they would have been killed by the Germans. Due to his brave efforts to save them he prevented 1100 Jews from being killed. The fact that Shindler helped the Jews and gave them safety even though those around him did not says a lot about his character. This book seems interesting and I might like it more than the Lord of the Flies.

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