Chapter Summary


I've been reading a lot more as of late, because this book has finally finished this extremely long exposition, or what seems like an exposition. I'm currently on chapter 15, going on 16. Chapter 15 was extremely gruesome. It mainly focused on how a little girl watched an SS kill a mom and her son/daughter. She didn't seemed 'phased' for say, but she definitely wasn't pleased, nobody would, unless you count the good-for-nothing Nazi's. This is probably going to be one of the most gruesome scenes in the movie too.

I can't wait to watch this movie so that I can see what they kept in that was relevant, for example, the little girl as mentioned above, wore only red. Maybe that will be the same in the movie. It's small details like that that I pay attention to now, because It symbolizes something. I read somewhere that the little girl in red is the only color in the movie, but I still have yet to see what it means.

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