Big Summary


I haven't posted a blog in a while because I went away for spring break, but I still read the book. One big thing that is happening  now is Schindler made a camp called Emalia, where instead of torturing the Jews, he treated them well so that they would survive. He spent a lot of money on everything for them, and this is the start of him saving that 1100 Jews that he is know for saving. He even went so far as to prevent executions in his camp, which nobody else in the Nazi party would do. There is currently talk about closing this camp, and Oskar wants to move his 'skilled' workers to Czechoslovakia. The story is getting really good, and I'm getting close to the end. I really want to see the movie now so that I can see why it's so popular, aside from being based on the popular book.

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    Dylan Weaver

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