Schindler's List actually has a pretty basic story line. Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist, is compelled to use his enamelware factory as a housing for Jews. He ends up making a list of over 1100 Jews that will be saved from Auschwitz's gas chambers. There was amazing casting and amazing actors. These included Liam Neeson as Oskar Schindler, Ben Kingsley as Itzhak Stern, and Ralph Fienees as Amon Goeth. Neeson acted in Wrath of the Titans as Zeus, Along with Clash of the Titans, as Zeus. Ben Kingsley, another well known actor, also acted in The Love Guru, and Hugo, while Ralph Fiennes was inHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 And 2as Lord Voldemort, and he was also in Wrath of the Titans, as Hades. Steven Spielberg directed Schindler's List, and is known for making all kinds of movies, the biggest ones being Jaws, Raider's of the Lost Ark, and E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial.

There are a fair amount of similarities and differences. These include the fact that Stern & Oskar met in the same place. Stern was the one who started his enamelware factory, and without him, Oskar wouldn't be saving Jews the same way. The film lacks any information on Schindler's early life, while the novel is flooded with information. That's the big missing scene. I think that should have been in the movie. Overall the casting seemed very well done and realistic. It seemed like WWII was happening as I was watching it, and the realism that the actors acted was amazing, the emotions were real, the dialogue was real, and it was overall an amazingly directed movie. The characters definitely looked as I thought that they would, because Keneally, the author, described them in great detail throughout the novel.

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